Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Join Me!

Hi friends; if you get bored and want something to do, join me and read a writing or two, or listen to someone sing and into your heart a melody bring! See you soon!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wonderful Cross - Michael W. Smith

I Will Press On [ Phil. 3:14 ]

There is a goal before me set,
Which I have not attained as yet---
But by His grace I trust to reach
And live the life His word does teach.
    Henceforth, I will press on.

How shall His will be fully known
Except through His dear Word alone?
I'll read, and read, and read again
Until the Spirit makes it plain---
    I must---I will press on.

" Set heart and mind on things above,"
Is written in His Word of love.
Lord, make it true in every realm,
Be Thou the captain at the helm.
    I will!---- I will press on!
                     --- R. J. Molzahn

Friday, April 22, 2011


Hi friends feel welcome to join me at this site any time and enjoy poems, quotes and some good music! I would like to be able to sit with each of you and have a chat but that is not possible. I love each of you , you are each special in a special way!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Good-Bye [ unknown Author ]

There is a word, of grief the sounding token;
There is a word bejeweled with bright tears,
The saddest word fond lips have ever spoken;
A little word that breaks the chain of years;
Its utterance must ever bring emotion,
The memories it crystals cannot die,
" Tis known in every land, on every ocean---
" Tis called " Good- bye."


Lynda Randle-With out Him

Lynda Randle - Sheltered In The Arms Of God.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

To The Wild Country John Denver

John Denver, Alaska and Me


   Bridges were designed,
   to cross a divide,
   some may be narrow,
   others may be wide.
   Some bridges may be concrete,
   others steel or wood,
   some lead to heartache,
   while others lead to good.
   Some cross valleys,
   others cross rivers and streams.
   Other bridges lead to trouble,
   other my lead us to fulfill our dreams.
   Man made bridges cross many divides,
   except the gap called sin,
   only the cross of Jesus,
   this gulf can span,
   and give salvation for sinful man.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Painful Steps

Painful Steps
Each painful step up Calvary's hill,
He took His Father's will to fulfill.
Each painful step was for you and me,
providing us a way to walk into eternity.
Each painful step, each painful blow,
He endured for you and me,
His everlasting love to show.
Each drop of blood He freely gave,
to bare our sin,
and our souls to save.
The painful spear that pierced His side,
He willfully endured,
so with Him we could abide.
Yes, dear soul, God's only Son,                                                                           
through those painful steps victory was won.
Jesus endured all this agony and pain,
to defeat Satan and our salvation to gain.
All hail the power of Jesus name,
and thank Him for the victory,
we can claim.
He bore the sin of the world,
His salvation to bring,
Jesus the Christ, the Lord of Lords,
and the King of Kings.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

wint'swords: TAKE TIME

wint'swords: TAKE TIME: "Take time to enjoy each baby step, we take as we travel this sod, take time to smell the roses, and communicate with God. Take time to watc..."


Take time to enjoy each baby step,
we take as we travel this sod,
take time to smell the roses,
and communicate with God.
Take time to watch the twinkling stars,
and remember God loves you,
no matter where you are.
Take time to stop each day and rest,
and talk with Jesus,
you will be blessed.
Take time to enjoy the sunshine,
and each drop of rain,
counting each blessing,
even in great pain.
Take time to listen,
to your brother and sister too,
remember that is what Jesus would do.
Take time to thank God,
for the awesome things He has done,
especially for salvation,
through Jesus His Son.
Take time to enjoy each sound,
each sight and fragrance,
along life's way,
never forgetting, God loves you,
no matter what man may say.
---- Winston Staples---

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Favorite Quotes

Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier. ----- Author unknown-----


                                           He is alive! He is alive!

                                           Come worship the King!

                                           He is alive! He is alive!

                                           All nature sings.

                                           He is alive! He is alive!

                                           Let new life begin,

                                           open your heart;

                                           invite Jesus in.

                                           He is alive! He is alive!

                                           Come glorify our King.

                                           He is alive! He is alive!

                                           Let our heart rejoice;

                                           His praises, joyfully sing.

                                        ----- Winston Staples -----


 Today is a wonderful March day, and Winter is slipping away, the snow flakes are fluttering, slowly, softly touching the ground. I am going...