Thursday, April 18, 2013

Old Poems!

I love old writings, especially old poems. My mother had an little poem book and I have it now. Today I am sharing one of those poems found it it's pages.

When we see the birds
all building barnes for store,
it will be time to worry,
and not before!

We know not what each day may bring,
but this we know, our hearts will sing,
for He who gives the days or years,
has power to still our doubts and fears.

And if the way be dark or fair,
we will not doubt, God answers prayer.
Yes, God, who heeds the sparrow's fall,
will always answer when we call.

---  Mrs. Ollie C. Monroe ---

I hope you enjoy this little poem like I do.

Friday, April 12, 2013


At last the long winter is over,
At last spring is here,
I see the robin,
and hear it's song of cheer.
At last the flowers,
stick their being above the warming soil,
and at last the gardener will in the ground,
begin to toil.
At last I hear,
the wild goose call,
and at last I taste spring,
a feed of fiddleheads,
a fresh caught trout.
At last it is spring,
and I can shout,
get the barbecue out!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

I wrote this poem about ten years ago from a hospital bed, one Sunday afternoon looking out the window watching the clouds go by.

Our lives are like the clouds,
little vapors in the sky,
we hang around awhile,
then we say goodbye.
Our lives are like the clouds,
sometimes all fluffy and white,
some times we have our trials,
like the black clouds at night.
Our lives are like the clouds,
being driven by the wind,
sometimes we are tossed to and fro,
as we fall into sin.
Our lives are like the clouds,
that are controlled by God’s hand,
when we put our trust in Him,
He will guide us across this land.
Our lives are like the clouds,
all beautiful and bright,
floating around the sun,
as it sets at night.
Our lives are like the clouds,
little vapors in the sky,
we hang around awhile,
then we say goodbye.
—- winston Staples —-

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Share My Journey: Prayer Changes Things : Great Quotes on Prayer

Share My Journey: Prayer Changes Things : Great Quotes on Prayer


My mother had a little poem book, she got it from "  Back to The Bible " many years ago. Mother passed into Heaven in 1991 and I have that little book from which I share this poem " God's Desire".


The universe belongs to Him;
He made it with His hand---
Worlds, galaxies to man unknown
And every grain of sand.
Contain Him? all the space would fail!
In heaven, He dwells apart---
Yet passionately, He pleads to be
Locked in a human heart.


 Today is a wonderful March day, and Winter is slipping away, the snow flakes are fluttering, slowly, softly touching the ground. I am going...