Saturday, July 27, 2013


I am sitting,
sitting quietly,
thinking about special things,
how the ticking of the clock,
marks the passing of time,
as our hope,
looks toward a better future,
than the present circumstances
we can leave behind,
I think of the Bible,
the word of God,
and it’s guidance,
as we travel this sod.
I think of my many blessings,
a dear wife,
four dear children,
and five grandchildren,
how they brighten my life.
I think of my friends,
how special they are to me,
you might say,
my extended family.
I think of my God,
the Creator of all things,
the Lord of Lords,
and the King of Kings.
I think of His love,
for a sinner,
a sinner such as I.
I think of how,
He sent His Son Jesus,
to this wicked earth,
to walk, to teach, to die,
that through His blood,
salvation was granted,
to the sinners,
sinners such as I.
I am sitting here thinking,
that one thing,
should always be on my mind,
God’s great love for me,
and His love for all mankind.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Lonely Days

Lonely Days
I sit and gaze,
gaze across the hills,
lying so quiet and still,
longing to hear the phone ring,
and some one laugh,
share encourageing words,
that make my heart sing.
I look out my drive way,
and wonder and say,
why don't a friend call,
or come visit me today?
Sometimes my heart says,
where are you my friends,
do you really care?
Now as I begin to pray,
I hear a small voice say,
I love you, I saved you,
and with you, I will always stay.


 Today is a wonderful March day, and Winter is slipping away, the snow flakes are fluttering, slowly, softly touching the ground. I am going...