Tuesday, December 30, 2014

But GOD!

This writing is taken from a little book of poems my mother had years ago titled "But God".

                BUT GOD
I know not, but God knows;
Oh, blessed rest from fear!
All my unfolding days
To Him are plain and clear.
Each anxious, puzzledd "why?"
From doubt or dread that grows,
Finds answer in this thought;
I know not, but He knows.

I cannot, but God can;
Oh, balm for all my care!
The burden that I drop
His hand will lift and bear.
Though eagle pinions tire,
I walk where once I ran,
This is my strength to know
I cannot, but He can.

I see not, but God sees;
Oh, all sufficient light!
My dark and hidden way
To Him is always bright.
My strained and peering eyes
May close in restful ease,
And I in peace may sleep;
I see not, but God sees.

--Annie Johnson Flint--

Saturday, December 13, 2014


On Christmas Eve,
everything seems right,
my favorite carols,
I love to sing,
" O, Little town of Bethlehem,
Silent Night".
I look at the tree,
and it's lights twinkling,
and Bing Crosby,
"White Christmas" singing.
O, come all you faithful,
and joyfully sing,
to our Lord, Savior and King!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

wint'swords: Lessons from a trail!

wint'swords: Lessons from a trail!: Purr, purr went the old wheeler, out the old rough road, as I rolled along, through the trees, O, how they have growed. The sun, high i...

Lessons from a trail!

Purr, purr went the old wheeler,
out the old rough road,
as I rolled along,
through the trees,
O, how they have growed.
The sun, high in the sky,
warms a nest of squirrels,
in a large pine near bye.
O, how I love God's creation,
as I watch it,
O, what lessons,
valuable lessons it teaches,
it lifts me up,
and points to a higher creator,
one who formed,
land, air and sea,
and salvation through Jesus,
for fallen men like me.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I love the sound, of the morning dove,
when he calls his mate in love;
I love the sound, of the distant loon,
as he sings his mournful tune;
I love the sound, of the gentle breeze,
as it moves and rustles the leaves;
I love the sound, of the falling rain,
as it strikes against the window pane;
I love the sound, of the babbling brook’
as I sit and dangle my hook;
I love the sound, of the lullaby,
as the mother soothes her child’s cry.
I love the sound, all creation gives,
and shouts the news, our creator lives;
I love the sound, of God’s Holy word,
and the great message it gives to be heard,
salvation and great hope for the lost,
comes from God at great cost.
If this great truth they believe,
eternal life they shall receive.
There is a sound, I am waiting for,
the sound of a great shout,
and a trumpets blare,
when the Saints will meet,
Christ in the air;
We will be ushered to Heaven above,
because of His amazing grace and eternal love.
—- Winston Staples —-

Saturday, October 11, 2014


On our calendar, Thanksgiving comes once a year,
but in my heart, it is always here.
In the morning, I thank God for the things I see;
all the beauty He gives to me.
I thank Him for each sound I hear,
the rustling leaves, the bleating deer.
I thank Him for the roof over my head,
and my warm cozy bed;
I thank Him for each scent I smell,
some beckoning my stomach to fill.
I thank God for the things I touch,
being able to feel means so much;
I thank Him for my family,
each one, so special to me.
I know now what I am trying to say,
thank God for everything, every day.
On our calendar, Thanksgiving comes once a year,
but in my heart, it is always here.
—– Winston Staples —–

God's Nearness!

God is near, as I walk in the forest green, and when I sit by waters clear, and I sense His presence, when I view the white tailed deer. I enjoy His presence in the morning still, while walking through a beautiful garden, seeing the lily and the golden daffodil. I know He is with me, while I am walking in a deep valley, or climbing very steep hills. I feel His warmth in the sunshine, and His freshness in the rain, and His gracious hand of mercy, while I am living with my pain. I feel God’s presence, when I read His Holy Word, there He reveals His story, the greatest love story ever heard. When I awake in the morning, I have nothing to fear, I praise God and give thanks, that my Lord is near.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Friday, June 20, 2014

Randy Travis - When Mama Prayed


As I sit,
Looking over the hill,
The air is cool,
The air is still.
Over the hill,
An expression,
Of one growing old,
A very old one,
I am told.
This old body,
One having much pain,
Feels a little better,
In the sunshine,
A little worse in the rain.
When I get up,
Get up to move,
I walk with a little less legs,
And a little more cane.
This old body,
May be falling apart,
But my soul,
My spirit,
Are strong,
And everlasting,
Because I have Jesus,
He lives in my heart!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

My Favorite Psalms

Psalm 121

King James Version (KJV)
121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Morning After

I awoke,
the morning after,
after the thunder and rain,
the sun was shining,
everything refreshed again.
I awoke,
the morning after,
a night filled with pain,
knowing God's Sonshine,
Sonshine would refresh,
refresh my body again.
I awoke,
the morning after,
my soul was blessed,
by the reading of His word,
and singing a hymn,
a touch of the Son's hand,
my soul, my spirit,
refleshed and well again.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

“Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows which hope has opened.” 
― Charles H. Spurgeon
  1. Hope: Christ always preached doctrine that was hopeful. While he denounced self-righteousness, he would turn round and say, “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:32). If he ever had a frown on his brow, it was for the hypocrite and the proud man. But he had tears for sinners and loving invitations for penitent ones.-- Charles Spurgeon --
Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.

C. S. Lewis

I've Never Been This Homesick Before [Live]

Friday, April 4, 2014


Good morning my wonderful friends! Wishing you all a great Friday. I was laying in bed, having another pain filled and sleepless night when this word came into mind to ponder about. Lips, our two lips, how sometimes they flap up and down, blowing in the wind, they gossip, tell lies and curse and praise and start all over again. I think of how God created them not to curse but give thanks and praise and encourage others a long life's way, to say I forgive and I love you. Yes, as long as the two things move above my chin, let them give God praise and the thank yous to Him never end!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Evening Thoughts

The sun is just going down, down below the western hills and the air lies silent and the tree branches still. As I gaze over those lonesome hills I get lonely for mom and dad still. I have a daughter and her family 3000 miles away that I have not seen for five years a few weeks before Christmas day. Did you ever feel lonely even with other people around? As I gaze across the lonely hills, I bow my head and pray.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Moon, moon up in the sky,
clouds slowly floating bye,
thousands of twinkling stars,
around about;
the beauty is awesome,
I want to shout,
how great is our God,
how great is our God,
so many blessings,
He gives us,
as we travel this sod.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Painful Steps
Each painful step up Calvary’s hill,
He took His Father’s will to fulfill.
Each painful step was for and me,
Providing us the way to walk into eternity.
Each painful step, each painful blow,
He endured for you and me,
His everlasting love to show.
Each drop of blood He freely gave,
To bare our sins, our souls to save.
The painful spear that pierced His side,
He willfully endured, so with Him we could abide.
Yes, dear soul! Jesus God’s only Son,
Through these painful steps, victory was won.
Jesus endured all this agony and pain,
To defeat Satan and our salvation to gain.
All hail the power of Jesus name,
Thank Him for His victory, we can claim.
He bore the sin of the world; His salvation to bring;
Jesus, the Christ, the Lord of Lords,
And King of Kings.


Judge not your brother, judge not your sister too! judge not all the things they do. Judge not your brother, judge not your sister too! Would you want them judging you? Dear brother and sister, do nothing to make them stumble or fall, remember God sent Jesus, to live, to love, to die and live again for all. Judge not your brother, judge not your sister too! Just edify them with love, the same love God gives me and you. Judge not your brother, judge not your sister too! Because they believe in Christ, they will be in Heaven too!
Favorite quotes
“Prayer is an end to isolation. It is living our daily life with someone; with Him who alone can deliver us from solitude.” Georges Lefevre
“By prayer we couple the powers of heaven to our helplessness, the powers which can capture strong holds and make the impossibile possibile.” O. Hallesby
” The right way to pray, then, is any way that allows us to communicate with God.” Colleen Townsend Evans
” The less I pray, the harder it gets; the more I pray, the better it gets.” Martin Luther
” The great thing in prayer is to feel that we are putting our supplications into the bosom of omnipotent love.” Andrew Murray
I trust you will enjoy these favorite quotes. Winston staples

Friday, March 7, 2014

Hi my friends! Last night when I retired from the pain filled day, as I lie down and looked out the window at the moon and it's reflection on the snow it reminded me of a lesson I learned long ago. That the love of God, revealed in His Son was sent to cleanse our dirty sinful lives and make them white as the snow I see out my window for those who believe upon the name of Jesus. O what a Savior!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hello world! | Wint68's Blog

Hello world! | Wint68's Blog: "SOUNDS
I love the sound, of the morning dove,
when he calls his mate in love;
I love the sound, of the distant loon,
as he sings his mournful tune;
I love the sound, of the gentle breeze,
as it moves and rustles the leaves;
I love the sound, of the falling rain,
as it strikes against the window pane;
I love the sound, of the babbling brook’
as I sit and dangle my hook;
I love the sound, of the lullaby,
as the mother soothes her child’s cry.
I love the sound, all creation gives,
and shouts the news, our creator lives;
I love the sound, of God’s Holy word,
and the great message it gives to be heard,
salvation and great hope for the lost,
comes from God at great cost.
If this great truth they believe,
eternal life they shall receive.
There is a sound, I am waiting for,
the sound of a great shout,
and a trumpets blare,
when the Saints will meet,
Christ in the air;
We will be ushered to Heaven above,
because of His amazing grace and eternal love.

—- Winston Staples —-"

'via Blog this'

Psalms 121:1-3 KJV - I will lift up mine eyes unto the - Bible Gateway

Psalms 121:1-3 KJV - I will lift up mine eyes unto the - Bible Gateway: "Psalm 121:1-3
King James Version (KJV)
121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber."

'via Blog this'

As I sit and look out my window at all the snow and feel the cold air when I open my door, I think of this writing I wrote two years or more.
Creations Beauty
Sitting looking out my window pane, everything’s so beautiful and green, being washed and refreshed by the falling rain. A woodpecker is tapping on a dead pine, tap, tap, tap, what a hammering sound; a chipmunk, carrying a piece of bread, scurries across the ground. Yes, as I look out, all nature is alive! Leaves so green, flowers so pretty in blossom everywhere; tells me we have a creator, who really cares. He not only cares for our physical being, and because of His love, He wants our soul to be free, and all His spiritual blessings seeing. Yes, He wants to set us free, from our bondage of sin; He sent Jesus, His only Son, and by His sacrifice, complete victory could be won.


 Today is a wonderful March day, and Winter is slipping away, the snow flakes are fluttering, slowly, softly touching the ground. I am going...