Saturday, October 31, 2020

This Old Swing


I sit here and sing,

on this nice old swing,

and wonder what stories,

we could tell,

and what songs we could sing.

My dear departed wife,

Oh, how she loved,

this old swing;

I would go to the door,

and listen to her sing,

as she enjoyed the fine day,

rocking to and fro,

on this old swing.

I sit here now,

two months have passed bye,

somedays I smile and sing,

other days I cry,

as I remember those good times,

we spent and talked,

on this old swing.

On this old swing,

she would sit and sing,

"Amazing Grace"

and " Just asI Am";

she loved to listen,

and sing along,

with her favorite song,

"It is noe secret what God can do,

what He has done for others,

He can do for you".

Yes, I sit here,

with a sad feeling in my heart,

but 57 years together,

I thank God, she shared my heart;

this old swing is special to me,

because of the time spent,

brings precious memories to me;

and I sing to my God,

" How Great Thou Art",

as I enjoy this  old swing.

~Winston Staples

Thursday, October 1, 2020


 I walked slowly,

out to the old swing,

with the help,

help of my two trusty canes.

There I sat,

letting the wind,

cool off my brain;

While I gazed up,

seeing the clear blue sky,

many questions,

rushed through my mind;

the main one was why!

Then a song from the past,

sounded clearly in my mind,

” The answer my friend,

is blowing in the wind,

the answer is blowing in the wind.”

This is true,

the Bible refers,

to the Holy Spirit,

as the Wind,

and if we tune in,

to the Holy Spirit,

He has the answer!


 Today is a wonderful March day, and Winter is slipping away, the snow flakes are fluttering, slowly, softly touching the ground. I am going...