Saturday, May 29, 2021


 Loneliness is my foe,

it tries to make me sad,

no matter where I am, 

no matter where I go.

I thank God,

for Jesus His Son,

Who gives me refuge,

and He gives me strength,

to finish life' race,

I have to run.

God really blessed me,

with a beautiful help meet,

a special friend,

to walk life's road,

with it's hills and bends,

We walked together 57 years,

through the good times of laughter,

and hard times with tears.

Jesus our Redeemer,

Jesus our best friend,

and in all these times,

on Him we could depend.

God took her to be present,

and in the presence of the Lord;

because she was very sick.

Yes, loneliness is my foe,

it tries to defeat me,

wherever I go;

but, I have Jesus.

Jesus my Redeemer,

Jesus my friend,

He never leaves me,

He never forsakes me,

and His friendship never ends.

~Winston Staples

Bible Reading for today!

Ephesians 1 King James Version 1  Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithf...