Today is a wonderful March day,
and Winter is slipping away,
the snow flakes are fluttering,
slowly, softly touching the ground.
I am going through the fall,
Autumn stage of life,
and it is a lonely, sad part of my life,
aided some by the passing of my wife;
We spent most of our lives together,
with a love faithful and true,
and blessed by our God,
with a wonderful family too!
Yes, life had it's strife,
thorns and stones hindered a perfect life;
but I say alleluia, because, each day,
I am guided by the Holy Spirit,
since that day in 1958,
when Jesus saved my soul;
so whether I die or raptured,
I will pass through those pearly gates,
and walk the streets of gold,
it will be like Spring,
the roses will bloom forever,
in God's Eternal garden forevermore!
~Winston Staples