Friday, March 2, 2012

Back in the Day!

I am sitting here in front of my computer, wondering where the 70 years has quickly gone; it seems like just yesterday when my mum and dad would help me get dressed for Sunday school and walk that two miles to Burtt's Corner to that little Baptist Church on the hill for Sunday School. The Church was small and I was small but our hearts were filled with love and joy as we worshiped our big and awesome God. This brings to mind a song " these were the days my friend , I wish they would never end" but we must press on to the prize of our high calling to meet in Heaven and worship the King of Kings for eternity, o, what a day that will be. I thank my mum and dad for taking me to that little church so I could learn about and come to be a follower of Jesus! Yes those were the days and these are the days of worship to that same big and awesome God who will be my God forever!

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