Thursday, August 2, 2012

This was taken from the Daily Bread , a 2003 post that I was blessed by, trust it will bless you as well.

The Real Jesus

Who is Jesus? Observing the ways He is portrayed these days, it’s almost impossible to recognize Him as the Jesus of the Bible. Some groups add to what the Bible says about Him, while others diminish Him to simple humanity, claiming that He was merely a wise teacher or a master moralist. Some would like to make Him disappear altogether.
But this is nothing new. It’s been happening for nearly 2,000 years. This reminds me of Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the US Declaration of Independence. He went through the New Testament Gospels with scissors and cut out all references to Jesus’ deity and the supernatural. This is known as The Jefferson Bible. Even recently, people have approached the Gospels in similar ways.
When Jesus asked His 12 disciples what people were saying about who He was, some answers were Elijah, Jeremiah, and John the Baptist, but these answers were all inadequate. Peter was correct when he said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16).
Don’t be deceived by fuzzy, watered down, or false descriptions of Jesus that you read, see, or hear about. Stick to the Bible. When people try to minimize His identity, tell them in no uncertain terms who the real Jesus is!
All glory to Jesus, begotten of God,
The great I AM is He;
Creator, sustainer—but wonder of all,
The Lamb of Calvary! —Peterson
© 1957 Singspiration, Inc.
To know Jesus is to know God.

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