Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Holy Men of God

Hi My friends! As I look around the world and see the terrible turmoil it is in, I wonder where the Holy men of God are. Men who speak up for God and His moral standards; men that we used to have that stood for His truth; men we don’t have now because of their old age and those who are deceased; men like Jerry Falwell and Billy Graham. I have a dear friend and brother in Christ who writes songs an
d preaches God’s word, brother Ed Sealy. A song he wrote a few years ago keeps running through my mind and the chorus goes like this:
Where are the Holy men of God
Where are they all?
Like the prophet Isaiah, Jeremiah
And Apostle Paul?
Who weren't ashamed to wear His name
And be set apart from self and sin
And all
Where are the Holy men of God
Where are they all?

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I love the sound, of the morning dove,
when he calls his mate in love;
I love the sound, of the distant loon,
as he sings his mournful tune;
I love the sound, of the gentle breeze,
as it moves and rustles the leaves;
I love the sound, of the falling rain,
as it strikes against the window pane;
I love the sound, of the babbling brook’
as I sit and dangle my kook;
I love the sound, of the lullaby,
as the mother soothes her child’s cry.
I love the sound, all creation gives,
and shouts the news, our creator lives;
I love the sound, of God’s Holy word,
and the great message it gives to be heard,
salvation and great hope for the lost,
comes from God at great cost.
If this great truth they believe,
eternal life they shall receive.
There is a sound, I am waiting for,
the sound of a great shout,
and a trumpets blare,
when the Saints will meet,
Christ in the air;
We will be ushered to Heaven above,
because of His amazing grace and eternal love.
—- Winston Staples —-

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Today I returned,
to my favorite place,
the place, where the red pine trees grow,
to hear the cry of the blue jay,
and the cawing of the crow.
there were many ducks,
swimming to and fro,
in that old beaver dam,
where the red pine trees grow.
there was an great Blue Heron,
sitting on an old pine limb,
as I waited patiently,
to see those beaver swim.
Oh, what a beautiful day,
to go to that place,
the place where the red pine trees grow!

Monday, October 15, 2012


Ray of Hope:

It is late October,
The sky is cloudy and gray,
A drizzle is falling,
Oh, what a dreary day!
The leaves are all about gone,
And a flock of crows,
Are cawing on the hill beyond.
All of a sudden,
I see,
A patch of blue sky,
And the sun come shining through,
Oh, what a little ray of sunshine can do.
In this life,
As we are passing through,
The cloudy days seem,
more than a few,
Then one day,
The SONSHINE of God's love,
Comes shining through,
Bringing us hope of Heaven,
When our weary days are through.

wint'swords: "Im Free" By Lynda Randle With David Phelps

wint'swords: "Im Free" By Lynda Randle With David Phelps

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I love looking at old hymn books and reading their great messages they proclaim. Here is a verse from the old hymn “ MY SONG IS LOVE UNKNOWN “

He came from his blest throne
Salvation to bestow;
But men made strange, and none
The longed-for Christ would know:
But O my friend,
My friend indeed,
Who at my need
His life did spend!

Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes

Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes: "“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
 Ralph Waldo Emerson quote"

'via Blog this'

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread: "Thank You, Lord, for walking with us every
day. You are our guardian, friend,
and guide. May we sense Your loving presence and always
know that You are close by our side. Amen.
Our loving God is always near—forever by our side."

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ask, and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives,
and he who seeks finds,
and to him who knocks it will be opened.
(Matthew 7:7-8; Luke 11:9-10)
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard [barricade] your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  (Philippians 4:6-7).


When I was a lad, I remember my dad, sitting in his old rocking chair,reading from Isaiah 53, this was his favorite reading from the past. Today I am sharing a writing from a Daily Bread devotion from October 22/1994.


Many years ago a doctor made a house call on a dying patient, who asked, “Doctor, what will heaven be like?” The physician paused, trying to think of a helpful reply. Just then they heard the sound of scratching on the closed door of the patient’s bedroom.

“Do you hear that?” the doctor asked. “It’s my dog. I left him downstairs, but he got impatient and came up here looking for me. He doesn’t know what’s in this room, but he knows his master is here. I believe that’s how it is with heaven. We don’t know what it’s like, but we know that Jesus will be there. And really, nothing else matters.”
The Bible gives us a few faith-strengthening glimpses of what life will be like beyond the closed door of death. We know that heaven will be a place of radiant splendor (Rev. 21:23). We know that it will be a place of reunion as we meet again those whom we have loved and from whom we have been parted for a little while (1 Th. 4:17). We know that there will be “no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying” (Rev. 21:4).
But above all, when we get to the other side, we will rejoice because Jesus is there, and we will be with Him forever.
My knowledge of that life is small,
The eye of faith is dim;
But it’s enough that Christ knows all,
And I shall be with Him. —Baxter
To be with Jesus forever is the sum of all happiness.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

wint'swords: The Hard Wood Ridge

wint'swords: The Hard Wood Ridge: I am nestled all cozy and warm in my knitted wool sweater, on a hardwood ridge enjoying the cool weather. I am on this ridge, loo...

The Hard Wood Ridge

I am nestled all cozy and warm in my knitted wool sweater, on a hardwood ridge enjoying the cool weather. I am on this ridge, looking over the hill,the air is cool,crisp and still, and in the beaver pond below are two mallard ducks, enjoying a last moment swim, before the cold winds of winter begin. I enjoy the fall leaves, red, yellow and bronze, it won't belong, they will be all gone. So let's get out while we still can, and enjoy nature's blessings created by God's plan.

Friday, October 5, 2012

wint'swords: Fall Colors

wint'swords: Fall Colors: Fall  Colors October fifth is cloudy and drear, Soft rain is falling, Thanksgiving is near, And the maple tree...

Fall Colors

Fall  Colors

October fifth is cloudy and drear,

Soft rain is falling,

Thanksgiving is near,

And the maple trees are covered in red,

A large eagle glides overhead.

Aspens turning yellow all around,

And so many leaves floating to the ground.

The hills and ridges covered in evergreens,

And the beautiful colored hardwoods,

Scattered  in between.

Fall colors so abundant everywhere,

I raise my hands,

And give praise and glory to God,

For giving me all these blessings,

As I travel this sod.


 Today is a wonderful March day, and Winter is slipping away, the snow flakes are fluttering, slowly, softly touching the ground. I am going...