Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Holy Men of God

Hi My friends! As I look around the world and see the terrible turmoil it is in, I wonder where the Holy men of God are. Men who speak up for God and His moral standards; men that we used to have that stood for His truth; men we don’t have now because of their old age and those who are deceased; men like Jerry Falwell and Billy Graham. I have a dear friend and brother in Christ who writes songs an
d preaches God’s word, brother Ed Sealy. A song he wrote a few years ago keeps running through my mind and the chorus goes like this:
Where are the Holy men of God
Where are they all?
Like the prophet Isaiah, Jeremiah
And Apostle Paul?
Who weren't ashamed to wear His name
And be set apart from self and sin
And all
Where are the Holy men of God
Where are they all?

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