Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hello world! | Wint68's Blog

Hello world! | Wint68's Blog: "Majesty
Snow flakes, snow flakes softly fluttering down,
landing so softly, not making a sound.
Lightning, lightning brightly coming down,
with a crashing noise as it strikes the ground.
Tornadoes, tornadoes whirling and twisting,
picking up everything with their rushing sound.
Rain drops, rain drops bringing moisture to the ground,
springing the plants their beauty to abound.
Sunshine, sunshine beaming down every hour,
shows God’s majesty over nature,
created by His awesome power.
Salvation, salvation sent down to sinful man,
because of God’s grace through Jesus,
revealing His salvation plan.
Praise God, praise God for all things from above,
showing His mighty hand, His mercy and everlasting love."

'via Blog this'

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 Today is a wonderful March day, and Winter is slipping away, the snow flakes are fluttering, slowly, softly touching the ground. I am going...