Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Old Birch Tree

There is an old birch tree,
that, when I look out my window,
I can clearly see,
it has many small trees,
gathered all around,
where many song birds,
can be found.
Chickadees sing their song,
and the Robins sing,
cheer up, cheer up to me.
Off to my right,
fifty feet or so,
high in a Pine ,
sits a black crow;
just over the knoll,
looking out the road,
leading to out back,
is a new trail,
of fresh deer tracks.
God has given,
to us many blessings,
ears to hear,
eyes to see,
hands to touch,
and mouths to speak,
speak thanks and praise!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Fluffy Clouds

Fluffy clouds floating bye,
so far, so far,
up in the baby blue sky.
Fluffy clouds floating bye,
so fluffy, so white,
as the birds fly high.
Fluffy white clouds,
clouds floating bye,
their beautiful formations,
makes my heart sing,
and makes my soul sigh.
God of the Universe,
Creator of all things,
all Praise and all Glory to you,
Lord of Lords,
and King of Kings.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Just Thinking!

Dear soul, there is only one way to Heaven; His name is Jesus! When the time comes to pass through 

death's door, if you depend on anything or anyone but Jesus, you will not get there, you will fall way 



I came across this old hymn,
titled " Jesus thy Boundless Love for Me"
and I am sharing this one verse,
that reads like this:
" In suffering,
be thy love, my peace;
in weakness,
be thy love my power;
and when the storms
of life shall cease,
Jesus, in the important hour,
in death as life
be thou my guide,
and save me,
who for me hast died."

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Hello world! | Wint68's Blog

Hello world! | Wint68's Blog: "Creations Beauty

Sitting looking out my window pane, everything’s so beautiful and green, being washed and refreshed by the falling rain. A woodpecker is tapping on a dead pine, tap, tap, tap, what a hammering sound; a chipmunk, carrying a piece of bread, scurries across the ground. Yes, as I look out, all nature is alive! Leaves so green, flowers so pretty in blossom everywhere; tells me we have a creator, who really cares. He not only cares for our physical being, and because of His love, He wants our soul to be free, and all His spiritual blessings seeing. Yes, He wants to set us free, from our bondage of sin; He sent Jesus, His only Son, and by His sacrifice, complete victory could be won.

—– Winston Staples —–"

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Friday, March 4, 2016

My Observation [ Spiritual peace ] | Wint68's Blog

My Observation [ Spiritual peace ] | Wint68's Blog: "Spiritual peace according to the Scriptures:

Romans 15:32,33; 2Cor.13:11; 1Thess.5:23; Heb.13:20,21—- God is the God of spiritual peace.

Isaiah 26:12——— God ordains spiritual peace.

Psalm 85:8———-  God speaks words of spiritual peace to His Saints.

2 Thess.3:16——-  Christ is the Lord of spiritual peace and the giver of spiritual peace.

Lord bid war’s trumpet cease;

Fold the whole world in peace. —- Oliver Wendell Holmes—"

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Tuesday, March 1, 2016


God gives us love;
God gives mercy,
and He gives grace.
He sent Jesus,
His salvation,
so we could,
have real joy,
real peace,
and tell,
the world about,
His amazing grace.


 Today is a wonderful March day, and Winter is slipping away, the snow flakes are fluttering, slowly, softly touching the ground. I am going...