Saturday, March 5, 2016

Hello world! | Wint68's Blog

Hello world! | Wint68's Blog: "Creations Beauty

Sitting looking out my window pane, everything’s so beautiful and green, being washed and refreshed by the falling rain. A woodpecker is tapping on a dead pine, tap, tap, tap, what a hammering sound; a chipmunk, carrying a piece of bread, scurries across the ground. Yes, as I look out, all nature is alive! Leaves so green, flowers so pretty in blossom everywhere; tells me we have a creator, who really cares. He not only cares for our physical being, and because of His love, He wants our soul to be free, and all His spiritual blessings seeing. Yes, He wants to set us free, from our bondage of sin; He sent Jesus, His only Son, and by His sacrifice, complete victory could be won.

—– Winston Staples —–"

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