Sunday, July 24, 2016

Wint68's Blog

Wint68's Blog: "DAY BY DAY Day by day, I think about Jesus, about what He has done for me, how he came to earth, to bare my sins on Calvary’s tree. Day by day, I think about Jesus, who in heaven, our home prepares, because of His love and grace, many people will live up there. Day by day, I think about Jesus, victory over Satan did win, and because of that victory, we can be saved from sin. Day by day, I think about Jesus, how He is the Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, and as His children, His praises we should forever sing. Day by day, I think about Jesus, how He came to set me free, Oh! how much I love Him, because He first loved me. Day by day, I think about Jesus, and all He has done for me, then, I want to serve Him faithfully. Day by day, I think about Jesus, Oh! what He means to me, He is my hope, joy and liberty. Day by day, I think about Jesus, Oh! what he can do for you, Jesus wants to save your soul, then day by day, you can think, about Jesus too! –~ Winston staples

I trust you enjoy this writing!"

'via Blog this'

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