Monday, December 12, 2016


I gaze out my window,
up the old country road,
where I have walked,
yes, walked many a mile,
and all my life have growed.
I remember,
the Christmases of youth,
where we enjoyed,
the presents we got,
the family fellowship,
eating turkey, pies and candy,
and that is the truth.
Early Christmas morning,
we would grab our skates,
new pucks and hockey sticks,
rush to Jake's house,
silently enter quiet as a mouse.
We would all go to the ice pond,
many men would gather there,
we played until noon,
and many stayed hours beyond.
We  chased that old puck,
enjoying the game,
having so much fun,
all glad they had come.
Everlasting memories,
run quickly through my grey head,
I wish I could be,
playing hockey on that ice pond instead.
~ Winston Staples

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