Thursday, February 17, 2022


 I sit here looking out my window,

watching birds flying to and from,

my neighbours feeder, just across the road.

I look back at my table,

my old pen is setting there,

it hasn’t written many words lately;

So I say a brief prayer, “Please Holy Spirit,

give me words to write; words to share,

to others for encouragement day or night.”

This old pen has written many words,

words about the trail we trod,

this trail we call life.

Life’s trail has it’s smooth parts,

while others seem mighty rough,

it’s on the rough road,

with it’s muddy ruts, when we hear,

Satan calling from the side lines,

while our ankles swell,

Satan calls quit this race,

and follow this wide trail of mine.

I cry, “Satan don’t try to snare me,

and temp me to your trail,

that leads to eternity with you in Hell.”

I see the finish line, I will make it,

with Jesus, as my ankles swell;

God has renewed my strength,

and each step gets me closer,

much closer to my goal,

with Jesus my Captain, guiding my weary soul.

I come to the finish line,

and hear my Master say, “well done, well done,

your life’s race was nicely run.”

So, weary runner of life’s race,

follow Jesus with confidence,

He knows where each step to place.

Don’t listen to Satan calling,

calling from the side lines;

Only listen to Jesus saying come home,

come home my weary pilgrim,

soon you will win your race,

and your reward will be,

Eternal living with Jesus and the Saints!

~Winston Staples

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