Monday, September 26, 2022



Awake, my mind awake! Meditate on God;

His words and grace so freely given.

Awake, my eyes awake! See God’s gift of salvation.

Awake, my ears awake! Hear His words of comfort given.

Awake, my tongue awake! Proclaim His truth of redemption.

Awake, my mouth awake! Sing His praise and glory forever.

Awake, my heart awake! Be filled with God’s spirit.

Awake, my arms awake! Embrace His mercy forever.

Awake, my hands awake! Serve Him in His awesome creation.

Awake, my knees awake! Bow in prayer with humble adoration.

Awake, my legs awake! Stand firm with great devotion.

Awake, my feet awake! Follow the steps Jesus trod before us.

Awake, my soul awake! Praise God for His love and favor.

Rejoice, my being rejoice! Dwell with Christ forever.

~ Winston Staples

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