Tuesday, February 21, 2023


 February is quickly passing,

and the sun shines brighter everyday,

the days are getting longer;

giving us more time to see God's creation.

I watch the squirrels, woodpeckers and chick-a-dees,

as they come and feast across the way.

It is about two months to Easter,

the week end we remember the ransom,

God paid for our sin.

God's only SON hung on that old rugged cross,

and took on our sin by shedding HIS precious blood,

that washes us whiter than snow.

Thank you my Heavenly Father,

for sending Jesus to ransom us,

and to share your victory over sin and death.

Thank you Jesus for your sunshine,

that comes flooding through the dark clouds,

those clouds of sin and gloom,

giving victory over Satan,sin and tomb.

~Winston Staples

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