Tuesday, September 26, 2023


I awakened to a wonderful day,

the sun shining, breeze blowing;

changing leaves are showing their colours,

through the evergreens everywhere.

Soon the brightness of Autumn,

beautiful Autumn will be everywhere;

Much like God's presence is everywhere,

we actually cannot see Him,

but in His creation,the mighty hand,

yes, powerful hand of God is clearly seen.

That is why in past writings I wrote,

words like "God is near"and "My God is real",

because He is in all creation,

and when we see love for fellow men,

we see God because He is love,

1 John chapter four verses seven through eleven,

and in verse eighteen we are told,

there is no fear in love, so let's walk,

and talk with Jesus leading by His Holy Spirit.

Now let's turn to chapter five and meditate,

study verses one through four, where we,

are encouraged to be over comers in faith,

yes,our faith in Christ; OH,what a glorious day,

that Fall day in nineteen and fifty-eight,

when Jesus by His precious blood,

redeemed my lost soul. So, everyday,

let's take time to read His word,

and enter our closet and pray;

saying Thank you Heavenly Father,

for all your blessings to give us,

in the good times and those in our strife;

but most of all for your gift of Eternal life.

Yes, my friend, when Satan plants doubt,

get the word of God out and read,

the book of Colossians and take heed,

that God, Jesus the Christ created all things,

and in Him all things consist.

[prepared by Winston Staples]

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