Friday, February 14, 2025

Three Trees!


One morning,

The air was crisp and still,

I saw on the horizon,

Three trees standing on a hill.

The two trees on the sides,

Shorter than the center one;

How they stood out,

In the rising sun.

A refuge for the birds,

In the time of storms,

A nesting place,

So peaceful and warm.

Seeing these trees,

So majestic standing in a row,

Took my mind back,

Two thousand years or so,

To a place called Calvary,

Where three wooden crosses,

Stood out plainly in a row.

On the outside crosses,

Hung two guilty thieves,

On the center cross,

Hung the only Son of God;

He was dying for you and me.

Jesus, was bearing our sins,

So we could be set free.

~ Winston Staples

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Lighthouse!

While driving in the country one night,
I saw a small lighthouse, placed on a lawn,
in it was a light, that shone from dusk to dawn.
The lighthouse was once used to warn,
the coming ships of dangers ahead,
especially in the bad storms,causing sailor’s dread.
what a comfort it must have been,
to see it’s flashing light guiding them,
around the reefs and the great rocks,
avoiding the danger, until the ship safely docks.
We believers in Christ, have a lighthouse,
as we sail this voyage on life’s sea,
it is Christ Himself, guiding you and me.
In the Bible, John tells us,
Jesus is the light of the world,
helping us see the poison darts,
Satan and all his demons hurl.
Dear friend, if you are still walking,
in the valley and darkness of sin,
why not ask Christ for forgiveness,
and let His light of guidance begin.
~ Winston Staples

Hand in Hand!

Hand in hand with Jesus,
walking down life’s road,
sharing every burden,
sharing every load.
Hand in hand with Jesus,
passing life’s test,
enjoying His fellowship,
being richly blessed.
Hand in hand with Jesus,
He will safely lead,
soothing every heartache,
meeting every need.
Hand in hand with Jesus,
through death’s door we will safely go,
to stand around God’s throne,
no greater happiness will ever be known.

~ Winston Staples


 Today is a wonderful March day, and Winter is slipping away, the snow flakes are fluttering, slowly, softly touching the ground. I am going...