Friday, February 14, 2025

Three Trees!


One morning,

The air was crisp and still,

I saw on the horizon,

Three trees standing on a hill.

The two trees on the sides,

Shorter than the center one;

How they stood out,

In the rising sun.

A refuge for the birds,

In the time of storms,

A nesting place,

So peaceful and warm.

Seeing these trees,

So majestic standing in a row,

Took my mind back,

Two thousand years or so,

To a place called Calvary,

Where three wooden crosses,

Stood out plainly in a row.

On the outside crosses,

Hung two guilty thieves,

On the center cross,

Hung the only Son of God;

He was dying for you and me.

Jesus, was bearing our sins,

So we could be set free.

~ Winston Staples

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