Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Great Day

Hi my dear friends! Last night was a restless one, one of pain, tossing and turning. My wife said I was preaching and talking a lot. I was dreaming I was at church and words of a song or poem what ever it would be kept running through mind mind and there was no paper or pen to write them down, so here I am writings these words now. They go like this.
There is a great day coming down the road,
In the Bible, I am told,
with no more pain, or sorrow and cares,
there is a great day coming down the road. 
There is a great day coming down the road,
there will be no cloudy days,
all will be days of praise,
there is a great day coming down the road.
There is a great day coming down the road,
dear friend, are you ready to go there?
Jesus paid the fare,
receive your ticket now,
I will see you there,
on that great day coming down the road!

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