Saturday, September 29, 2018


Many years ago,
my son was born,
I jumped with glee,
when the good news
was given to me;
 I love my son,
he so special to me.
God has a SON,
Jesus is His Name;
God hates sin,
but HE loves you and me.
HE had the answer,
so He sent His SON,
to die at Calvary;
there Jesus shed His blood,
because He loves you and me.
He said "it is finished",
His Salvation work was done;
in three days He arose,
and victory won.
Yes, because God love us;
He sent us His SON!

~ Winston Staples

Dark Shadows!

 When my brother and I were young, We were blessed with a great older brother, And a loving mom and dad; We would get home from school, And ...