Saturday, July 4, 2020


As I look over the hill,

the fog is settling in,

much like the day,

Satan caused mankind to sin.

I walked in the fog,

the fog called sin,

for sixteen years,

then one night a light shone,

the light of God’s word,

began to light up my heart,

and the Holy Spirit convicted me,

yes, pointed out my sin.

God’s word says,

only one way to Heaven,

and only one way to HIM;

that is through the shed blood,

as Jesus hung on Calvary’s tree,

providing redemption for me.

So, I cried,

Oh, Jesus I am a sinner,

please give salvation to me,

and a place in Heaven,

with the Saints before me.

~Winston Staples

Dark Shadows!

 When my brother and I were young, We were blessed with a great older brother, And a loving mom and dad; We would get home from school, And ...