Monday, January 27, 2020


Today started out sunny
but has now quickly,
quickly clouded over,
a light rain is beginning,
beginning to softly fall,
and in the whispering,
whispering pines,
a crow says caw, caw, caw.
Oh, how I love God's creation,
no matter where you go,
God's creation is there;
He offers us His love,
His grace to save,
save us from our sin;
if we call,
call upon Jesus,
who shed His precious,
cleansing blood,
on the old rugged cross,
setting us free,
and out of the lost.

~ Winston Staples

Dark Shadows!

 When my brother and I were young, We were blessed with a great older brother, And a loving mom and dad; We would get home from school, And ...