Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Dark Shadows!

 When my brother and I were young,

We were blessed with a great older brother,

And a loving mom and dad;

We would get home from school,

And we would do our chores,

We would walk to our friends house,

And after he got his chores done,

We would play some games outside;

Oh, how we loved the outdoors.

It would be getting dark,

Before we would walk back home,

And we would imagine things not there ;

Those dark shadows became a bobcat or a bear.

In our spiritual life Satan castes,

Dark shadows on our trail,

Like the ones we saw at night,

Twisting God’s words saying,

Did God really say that?

He wants us to fall off the right path;

So beware of Satan’s dark shadows,

And focus on God’s words,

And you will be all right!

I remember a song,

“ Evening shadows make me blue “.

My friend, spend time reading God’s words,

And spend time in prayer,

And this won’t happen to you!

~Winston Staples 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Days of When!

 I sit with pen in hand,

Remembering back,

In the days of when;

When I loved to run,

A mile in four minutes ten,

Play hockey and ball,

Pick potatoes and hunt in the fall;

I get lonely for the folks 

Sweet pleasant folks,

Of those days of when.

When Sunday was respected by all,

We heard the Church bell ring,

People from all around,

Answer the call.

Their Bibles were read,

The choir would sing;

The Preacher gave a message,

And an Altar call,

Oh, to enjoy that that again,

Back in the days of when.

We were able to read,

God’s Words altogether,

The words were all the same,

Wonderful words in unison,

As they read from their King James!

Oh, how special,

Back in the days of when!

~Winston Staples 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024


 Here I am watching again,

sitting still, watching traffic,

on the 104,

 and the birds at the feeders,

and flying to trees and back again.

My mind slips into another gear,

when I was small,

and Aunt Annie lived here.

On Sunday a man came,

and he sit on the porch,

with binoculars he made,

watching the hill for a deer.

Aunt Annie love people,

and her neighbours to drop in,

have a cup of tea, 

and maybe some cookies for me,

My Grand Parents lived across the road,

enjoying their family,

and watching them as they growed.

I miss them all; I would love to see them again;

I know most believed in Christ,

and they are with the Savior,

and waiting for us to join them up there.

I sit and watch the clouds float by,

and my ears are listening,

for sounds in the sky;

because one day soon in the clouds,

our Redeemer will appear,rr

and a trumpet will sound,

O, what sweet music to my ears.

So dear friend,

I ask this from you,

Do you believe in Jesus?

His life, His cross, His death,

His resurrection and His ascending?

Then come and watch with me,

up into the clouds, watching for our Redeemer,

and hear that trumpet sound,

and as our feet leave the ground,

and with others we will meet Him in the air.

So come and keep looking,

for His wonderful appearing in the air,

never more to be lonely, no pain,sorrow or care;

but eternal security in Christ,

because people believed and prayed,

placing us in their family, beautiful family of God to stay!

~Winston Staples

Dark Shadows!

 When my brother and I were young, We were blessed with a great older brother, And a loving mom and dad; We would get home from school, And ...